Code of Conduct

The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) is committed to providing an inclusive, safe, and respectful environment for all attendees at the Africa and Eastern Mediterranean Regional Conference in Rwanda. To achieve this, we require that all delegates and participants collaborate to create a respectful and inclusive environment.

  1. Be inclusive- ICM welcomes and values people of all backgrounds and identities. We are committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment and to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, skin colour, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental or physical ability.
  2. Be respectful- All participants are expected to treat each other with respect and dignity, regardless of differences in opinion or perspective. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination, including but not limited to, physical or verbal abuse, threats, offensive language, or behaviours that belittle, marginalise, or humiliate individuals or groups.
  3. Be professional – Participants are expected to always conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner. This includes refraining from personal attacks, derogatory comments, or any other form of behaviour that may create an uncomfortable or hostile environment for others.
  4. Respect privacy – Participants are expected to respect the privacy of others and to obtain consent before taking photographs, videos, or recordings of any kind. Any dissemination of personal information or images without explicit consent is strictly prohibited.
    Official conference photos will be taken by designated photographers, for which participants have consented during the registration process.
  5. Attendees are encouraged to engage actively and constructively in all sessions and workshops, contributing to discussions and sharing insights that enhance the collective learning experience. It is important to arrive at sessions on time, avoid disruptions, respect the time and contributions of others, and ensure that everyone who would like to participate in discussions has the chance to, ensuring that everyone can fully benefit from the sessions.
  6. Comply with applicable laws and regulations – Participants are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those relating to health and safety, and to adhere to all conference policies and procedures.
  7. Reporting all violations – ICM takes any violation of this Code of Conduct seriously and encourages all participants to report any incidents of harassment, discrimination, or other violations to the appropriate authorities. Reports can be made to the ICM Secretariat or to the conference organisers.

By attending the Africa and Eastern Mediterranean Regional Conference, participants agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and to promote an environment of respect, inclusivity, and professionalism. Delegates who violate the Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the conference.