Registration Guidelines

Please read the instructions below carefully to ensure your registration is properly completed.

How to Register

Registrations are accepted on a dedicated Conference Registration Portal.  All participants must register to use the Portal. If you have attended an ICM Congress in the past, you may already have an account.

 When creating an account, consider using a personal email address. This is especially important if your work email has high security and privacy settings that may reject emails from the Conference Registration Portal.


Once you have successfully registered, you will receive an email with your registration number. If this email does not arrive, please check your Junk or Spam folder.  

Once your registration is complete, you must process your payment (details below). Your registration is only considered valid after we receive your payment.

Registration Fees and Payment

Delegate – By Income*
Early Fee
(until 23:59 on 09 September 2024)
350 USD
300 USD
200 USD
Late Fee
(from 10 September 2024)
400 USD
350 USD
250 USD

Dates and times are quoted in Central European Time (CET).  

* List of Low/Low-Middle/Upper-Middle income economies (more info).
** A Student is defined as a person pursuing a recognized programme of study leading to a qualification as a midwife, approved by the regulatory authority in the country, in line with the ICM definition of a midwife. The name of the training institution or college attended is required with the study stage. Proof of student midwife status will be required during the registration. 

Unpaid or partially paid registration will not be considered valid until fully paid.  

Registration Fees Include

Conference attendance (three days), coffee and tea breaks, lunches and Welcome Reception on 24 September 2024 (details to be confirmed).  

Social Programme

Conference Dinner

When: 25 September 2024, 19:00 – 23:00
Where: Restaurant the Hut, KG646St, No.1,
Rugando, Kimihurura (behind Kigali Convention Center), Kigali, Rwanda
Tickets: 50 EUR (must be purchased in advance  through the Online Portal)
Dress Code: Smart casual

Transfers to and from the Conference Dinner are not provided.

Welcome Reception

When: 24 September 2024, 17:00 – 19:00
Where: Lemingo Hotel Kigali
Tickets: Included in the registration fee


All registrations are charged in USD. The easiest and safest way to pay for your registration is by online card payment, but we also accept bank transfers.  

Online Card Payments  

Online card payments are processed by Worldline – Payment Solution Saferpay. We accept American Express, Mastercard, Visa, and Visa Electron. 

If your card payment is rejected, please try to process it again through the Conference Registration Portal. If the problem continues, first contact the card issuer/bank to check for any potential restrictions on online transactions. Once these are removed, you will be able to make payment.     

Bank Payments

If you choose to pay by bank (wire) transfer, please process the payment once you have received your registration number. Bank transfer payment details must include your full name and registration number. Payments made without these details cannot be processed and may not be considered valid. 

All bank transfer costs must be paid in full by delegates – ICM and CZ-IN will not be liable for bank transfer costs.  

Bank payments must be received by 20 August 2024. All payments made after this date must be by card payments.  

Registration fees are collected by CZECH-IN s.r.o., 5. května 65, CZ-14021 Prague 4, Czech Republic, on behalf of ICM. 

Confirmation of Registration

Each participant will receive an email confirming their registration and payment, once this is received. To view the status of your payment, click here. 

Invitation Letter

Delegates can download a personalised invitation letter from their account on the  Conference Registration Portal once their registration is paid in full. This letter can be used for visa purposes.

Final Invoice

Every delegate will be able to download an invoice three weeks after their payment is processed. The invoice is available for download through your account on the Conference Registration Portal.  

If you need to change any payment details (name, address, VAT number), you can do this by emailing within three days of registering. Changes are subject to a 20 USD administrative fee.

Certificate of Attendance 

All delegates will be able to download their Certificate of Attendance from their account on the Conference Registration Portal after the Conference is over. You can use this to apply for continuing education credits in your country. 

Contact Information 

If you have any questions about registration or payments, please contact the Conference Secretariat at: 

Cancellation Policy 

All cancellations must be made in writing by email to the Conference Secretariat. Cancellation fees are described below.  

Cancellation Refund Policy 

    • Cancellations up to 04 June 2024 will be charged a 50 USD cancellation fee.
    • Cancellations between 05 June 2024 and 31 July 2024 will be charged a 50% cancellation fee.
    • Cancellations made after 01 August 2024 will not be refunded.
    • A 20 USD fee will be charged to change the name/contact information of the registered delegate.

This cancellation policy also applies to the Conference Dinner.


    Fees do not include the delegate’s insurance against accidents, sickness, cancellation, theft, property damage or loss. Delegates are advised to purchase adequate personal insurance. ICM is not liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, losses, expenditures, or any other inconveniences or costs delegates may incur. 

    Cancellation or Modification Due to Force Majeure 

    In the event of a situation considered as force majeure, ICM reserves the right to alter or cancel the Conference without prior notice, including changing the date, time, venue, and/or circumstances including the right to cancel the Regional Conference in full. Any force majeure event shall be communicated as soon as reasonably possible from the decision time. Force majeure may include any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of ICM which prevents or impedes the realization of the Regional Conference. This includes but is not limited to, government action, war or hostilities, riot or civil commotion, pandemic, plague, or other epidemics, earthquake, flood, hurricane, cyclone, fire or other natural physical disasters, explosion, accident or breakdown, strike, lack of the usual means of transportation, or terrorism. ICM shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, losses, expenditures, or any other inconveniences or costs caused or initiated by such modification or cancellation of the Regional Conference. 

    Consent for photos and videos at ICM events

    By registering for this event, you consent to ICM and its partners using photos and videos from the events that may include you. The photos and videos may be used for reporting, documenting, promotional, or any other legitimate interest purpose on ICM and/or partner digital and/or print channels. By registering, you confirm that you understand you will not be compensated for this, nor will you be asked for any additional permissions about photography and videography at the Regional Conferences. 

    The storage and processing of photos and videos will be done by ICM; if you have any questions please email


    Data Privacy and Security 

    The European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) entered into force on 25 May 2018, and it involves some additions to data protection.

    We take your privacy very seriously. To comply with GDPR consent requirements, during the account registration process, we ask you to confirm that you agree with our Privacy Policy. You can view the Privacy Policy here. 

    After creating your user account in our system, you can manage your information, and protect your privacy and security via our Conference Registration Portal, which is fully GDPR compliant.  

    Contact us with any questions regarding the Privacy Policy, Data Protection, and GDPR in general by email  or phone at +420 296 219  600.